Tuesday, January 13, 2009

soundtrack: snoring

This library is dead silent except for one echoing, raspy snore floating up from the ground floor. Each time I look up from my books, I see a punitive notice:

“The Library has received many complaints from user about graffiti in the study spaces… If you are aware of someone who is defacing Library property in this way, please contact the building manager.”

Someone has scrawled on it “SNITCHES GET STITCHES.”

The UMass library hummed until late. Real late. But it’s hard for a library to hum when the cafĂ© closes at 8, when you have to leave the library entirely just to use the bathroom.

This seems like a strange thing to say, but I miss all-nighters in the first-floor silent zone at UMass. May was a time of purpose, of culmination, of pushing beyond the limit – but knowing Joe Meloni would be there even longer than I would. And at least there, I could look forward to a gorgeous view of the sunrise.

But this is what I get, I suppose, for 3 ½ study-less weeks in Cape Town. Worth it? Yes.